The Xmas Message!

HELLO! 😲😳😲😳 EAT THIS. 😸😻😸😻

No obligations ;). National economics!!!!

I come with light. Deep message despite:
I get tanga rip and my sausage i dip it comes out like bigfat spit rest in pieces pretentious clit. Yolo yolo i come on two: two biggest bongaballs that will pip you to a car cupped zoo. Finally says humanity i go loyally with plus not even angularily: 
 +. Your butt with you can do your great. 
Straight is no homo: anti empathy we will gogo: you know why?
It is suppressing and gay and anti creativay. But hey! I come, fuck you too n all real life lesbos can scream ideology better than yesterday! <3
I joined i thought like KKK in like in nigga thangs but not go:go:go butt in rapping about etnicities: genes: big tabu if you miss the praise.
Were all one. Here out my this: my Wu Tang Clan:

This is me. Im a grown up still 3. Nobody disthinks that i have not chosen the right path - to spend my life party'.

If God makes a planet doesnt he make it to be funny????????

Corona takes your memory; your "lives" suck!!!!!!! Im add as fuck. I can show you capacity. Or smallen ya screens to get more rid of your chosen me.

Dilution is a sin! In my opinion.
To lighten up from intended without reasons or preferations.
Unpreparadness/sharing are understandable. Light isintended light and prepared as such.
Vähän laimeeta! Synd konsistensen.

Drugs teach you how to think quick - to fly. Dont do skanky needles or not pro proven or you know bye bye.
So: i forgive you all. I live better than you. And 100 % safe and lasting. 

I am Jesus, The J-I Hanna, i do drugs. Actually ive organized my life sustainably around it. I am The King.
❄️Also me getting Della Mici is proof of the Della Mici itself, VIDEO. Della Mici is super importizie: IT IS THE EXPLANATION OF GOD. 

Grasping this was chaotic: it took me 7 years and my so far lifetime!

Look at my balls!:

Is there a penis as large as ya Jesus'?
Is there a moon that screams prouder its Kellogg's?
You could top a Bolt, you can bend the law=lagen.
Butt courage i top ya kugeln, mit blau ich weiss, ja, erectofahnen.
Do you think God is gendered: If me twice im of both.
And all they pole The J-I hole for is sperm on last time's Jesuscloth.
This time is wide larger yakno, we have www and sentences ended.
If the human is like this polarized: despite being of hole pole the pole still gets mentioned.
Without a pole neutral human word for human:
I dare to claim my balls size is: not human but neutrally put: leverage Wu Tang!
After this nobody says "who is Jesus".

Big dick benefits:
Tit ratio with me grandest in pics.
I fuck ya properly im hairy and use wrists.
You won't get a no so no reason ever to be pissed.
Not afrrraid to get dirty or hissed.

Poles holes im the North Pole i pole demography. Tilt Uranus we go from kilt to China labius. X More or head C-more? This tilt will make ho whore (max wanted action).

Lack of words.
But lets keep it sexistic.

"People have to see you've got control to every angle".
Its that people have screens. "We are junttikansa, a folk of hillbillies".
I am a top model. Self made. 
I can teach to global parade.
"Dont you have self critique?" I learned from doing very little to be proud vs steer produce from point level.

Societies have died and species they go off. Corona is calculated and the implementer wants to solve: overpopulation. That is not a problem once you understand Paradise! Under. VIDEO. ⚡. 

This is what I did with a tree. It was perfect.

It's done from perfection. 

-jump to it being here - if one part is here: all is. 

Read this and you understand it all!



The setting and concept is perfect. I am perfect. You are perfect. Geneaology does no errors. Even "exceptions" are logical and beautiful. If you watch the full.

The followers/stalkers are inside my brain 100 % of the time. We now have 4. options:

1. As it is. I can go on to 100. Slowly i will preach to paradise with eternal life. Quick so we crack DNA as i teach.

2. Release of Perustuslaki. Slowly preach or swosh - message out!

3. The 1000 year country.

4. I travel around the world except Finland.

The following journey...

I read this part waiting for prison statement Halloween 2013 when my looks started the Corona, Della Mici.
Same DR visit i showed my then current cover with the topic: Schizophrenia, next to my face. Perustuslaki.


What is IQ? 

Maybe shes born with it? Maybe it got lost. The brain is a mega transformer machine that is hard to get tossed <3!!!!! <3!

All have an IQ: 70 is calculated.
Do you really wanna hifi - nerd!, why mass dilute as Saylor when se can focus on lifestyle instead?
Aha you go Saylor for lifestyle but taylormade fun: 
Cant we better go for structure based n let speed&power THEN yum?
Lemme down ya:
Saylor is structure!!! What you want is storage space or procedure:
Of sticking in with insight poking, yes intellectual life but why am i not liking?
As a wave or a time and structure skills give insight paradigm. You have thingified intelligence so you it lack: real intelligence IS funnyness ya bitchmac.

IQ? Two ways to it! 

Let us have an example:

You sit squared. On top of you sit three squares. One squares a ladder and makea a - pyramide, dividing ladder into squares (sight loop). 


YOU STAND UP. L'adderall-lack or planned: you express them both. Three squares are now modeling with your lovely luv inside. You center a pose they you mirror: squaaaaare? Yes. But squared up, my penis? De shaped but i like it/why sit squared mirror under n we admire vaginirle/no. Diamond last era lol XD i mean last season n it eroded so pearl shaped/they mirror my brain and create a whole new shape/broken you stroke.

-Impro IQ. Piece name: careful where ya squaret. Or:

You express only either planned standup or lack of l'adderall, all of which you cannot choose. Standup you loose. So you are scared of popping an adderall anyway. Butt you might find the ladder. You try to fumble your point:

The squares are there anyway you do "I" and pick by. You always wanted to be a 0 so now you are 1, saved, but the scale is to high up it is a cube and lacks 0 so you will need a ladder so you intend to pick up the air squares but oops you were not that quick.

-Harkittu IQ. Trial. You just dont do these things. 

Start, fucking squares???: from the blowing wind or the opposite? = The opposite - concrete but on a flying topic choice decidedness. Thats why they like my impro (all produce) THEY say.

I can explain my IQ. I explain my IQ clock around. Asleep i explain my IQ - for real!!!!!!!! This has helped me in getting Perustuslaki on my side - the wannabe murder machine designed for WW3 start murder - a murder of me!!!!

There's normal=backward driven intelligence. Harkitusti. Check knowledge base then (baby-) steps. Then - there's of my kind of intelligence: IQ released = forward driven - learning to structure and knowledge stash comes from the core - is structured from managing production quality so the finished comes first. 

Two IQ's - who gets further? Dad has of both. SNORK SNORK. 

SNORK = portal from IQ released to yours - brain dragging changes place and our dear nose with many names "happens" to then do a snork. From yours you just go to mine:

IQ released = throw. Then learn to put together on the go. 

Weed is the answer. Get burned - then learn to handle without consciousness kept in previous, flow or see front of where you are. Learn: from the core. This is to be in the moment!!!

What was I before weed? Event focused, stories. I have since learnt to be a production machine. 

Skip the preparation step. From the core management - this is my basics. This we will come back to; it is what this is about - my self management; quantity over quality; yes, every kind of management (body per food, rhyming,...). 

What you manage university style: add on previous - > go god in it; step out! And understand your materia; act on knowledge structured your way - but do this structuring on the go. 

Surprise factors: no. Counted in. Your understanding of function is full as you think from infinite - it is the structures you understand! Not the ways. You see the rooms for questions and go there when you want. 

We will call this:


God management together with Ket Graph - illustrates how a:


-event flow

-snork vs iq released

meeting, or


polarize together with the norm. God management shows the single fights; dragged into management and become forward direction once stabilized. Only being right wins with reverse psychologics. 

This is national economics. God is national economics. 



Boring Jesus: This is not about genes, all can cancan. 😏

Me: Jesus: leverage! 

Dad got the portal but is frightened of Marijuana. 

He created me...... 

Boring Jesus:

Who is the miracle and is this a question? 

Me: Jesus:

Dad is. I have made a graph of it how that makes me bigger, do you want to see? 

All: graph my ass, we believe you sexojazz <3. If it has to do with genocide attempts and ends with multiplication? 


The portal - how and why?



So: I'm down and everyone else are in Improland. That's how I stumble upon The Creator. 

STO'S:JOE. Battle:

Joe & Joe 2.


I was in your orgasm and I was disappointed. 

Joe 2:

I am to you same as (chronologically) that I coined "med" (+). 


Joe 2:

While that orgasm I was just crowd checking.

At least I had an orgasm - did you, daddy, who's king? 


1. To do: "Make a meme".

2. Shocking, controversial: disappointed. 

3. Rhyme: coined. Sth that I've coined. 

4. - > ..."med".

Liknelse, coined med: pre&current. Joe & Joe 2: pre&current. Structure is easy to see with a fullkomlig IQ accustomed brain <-> happens(..., :?) to be legendary. 

Full picture is rich of meaning finding not possibilities but matching as you strike. 

Made according to my intellect? Della Mice (what you call celestial) could not help me going this way. 



The concept of this X and moval into paradise is the everalways pleasant following:

Ingoing and the produce creating structure includes the outcast having affect on the live(s) of the practician(s). If solo anti yolo on this specific case: butt my momma doesnt tanga to without, shes holy this case is Molly: euphoria phorever metafor whenever not a quick n counted phase.


Hihi. But ill change those expenses/love to income continuous and pridejoy together-LOVE together laughing to clumses n past - and opening up for future which'll last. Mamma i made you. And once you come over the celestial wine factor ya see: paradise IS for whipped creeM n a new body for Creator to watch my creatiotivity go nature :).

Dad was born yesterday. I dont know how he was born yesterday and he was not in my life yesterday but my trust is 99 (coincidence).

This could be more proof of Della Mice to someone.


It's done from perfection. 

-jump to it being here - if one: all. 


This is important for you to get it! Then i go into details!!!!:

-Is a Xmas tree! Containing:

Field, events, and casting. 



Or we are a planet lab!!!!

(Ahah lol the thing is that you read these graphs in sequence!):


Vapaalla: - benämningar, population. Per(ustu)slaki: word formations done with event X. 


Not story & story. 




Is it where you go? 

If you are lost and yolo?

You can anytime reboot.

Get a foot massage and re shoot.

But once a good setting youre good.

Up for everimprovement but understood.

(You chose Perustuslaki - you chose my event to you as constant). 



Yo fetus where lettuce?

Bitch its oval over ketchup. 💋

Yo whatzzz slipperier than ya moms vagina?

When ya hear her go loud and ya bro gets called Kaima.

She grabs her slipper jar and goes haima with her jar#2 picked #2 from bar too.

She wonders: on all 4 now with pick 2 gets sick now but won't abrupt it and Kai her favorou is on the loo.

Isnt it romantic????

Hihi, says momma.

It is also Those Nigerians: meaning "God we know" - we scream in advance. Oh God with ma in bed so they have the name to get a chance.

And ma? Shes gooood. Her haima is just her codeword for liquid need but without gnüe.

You know shes allergic to twisted so everyonceinawhile a Laimea is insisted.

See how it goes - she picked the name out of empathy too (she had no clue because of race she had a China-chingchong phase) she took it as the only name not taken Google is corrupt and she was not mistaken but on spread - on which God search in which she now has a full on lead.

You see - this woman is misunderstood af, Kai is trying to map but zickzack with the wreck that shes not and those Nigerians WAKEUP:

Shes searching for God so shes on front of you by far, if she chooses to do it clitorais lit: we yarr.


(Jesus syndrome and consciousness selfpoint experiencing ((and perustuslaki)): - I cannot map but my event and consciousness flow).:

Cannot know or cannot imagine? Know. Not sonder. This is not about empathy, this Della-Mice-understanding stopping knowledge lack.

Sonder is without your knowledge ongoing awesome mental activity. This J-syndrome is not sonder, and not empathy which is your KNOWLEDGE about person -X [?=~.].

I have been hinted though that this is human based. 

This is all together. Popup - > all with complex seeming reality but 


Perslaki style. 

BACKWARD DRIVEN ALL INCLUDED AND SOME IMAGINED. Same time. You see this how you do, but imagine; 

Happy drunk consciousness bouncing and trending and trends dancing and surprising clumps producing own and admiring free productions of choice - 80's style!

=Perslaki information but forward driven and capitalism market economy = all mind about themselves!!!!!! <3

OK twisted knowledge structure XD

Lets just call Christmas the "event": X;

Including all build-up. 

Eventpoint or uniques?

Song! Melody: tip tap. Sing along and bus gives you a snap. Giggles along and a beautiful nigger cries out loud. Beautiful, bigger, bus snap gets it n speaks in chargong, you see:

Piu pau piu pau and here comes a hauhau. 


Soo soo KK, badboy: Santa or me?


It took long long, one proposerboy i blamed.

So tragedic?

Humor go pimpsachore, who was that boy who faked me dating?

Real anemic?

Still no phone calls, channells are they active?

Plinka donka?

Do we have nice kids out there me fjonka.

Try. Next. Bus. XD.


I watched this mouse kidney pic for 40 minutes and got ocurrance. I understood ocurrance from materia upbringing=ocurrance, particle gathering like milk~-structure or tendency. 

I just admired this back then. Not yet seing f.ex. folklore.

❄️Mouse ocurrance: else than Folklore????

Not mouse ocurrance: language

Not mouse topic: home.


OCURRANCE. Vocabulary, people... 

I understood this pic reversed - how things gather together and come to exist and unite to branches. 



Start DNA and material. 



Pre knowledge of current event from event point. 


Time away - > size! => X Tree!!!! 

"Dell' amici! Dell' amici!" said that man when I realized this in Italian. 

He raped me but i wank to it.
Dell' amici! 10 % of my fuks are rapes.
Involuntarily banging, can you see me hanging?
Clit dates: my banging, what can i do about my face????

>Della Mice is looks<. 

From chosen perspective - time graph or like my blood: wine: eternal:

Stays the same - age just makes me more the me. Join me or ball out. 

Age or not: Della Mice is size. I deliver biggest shoes. You can see it in my smize. 


Casting = Della Mice ocurrance management

Fields & seeds = Big bang

Events = Bible




(Back and front factors). 

Both driving making:


(Skip the triangle for now...):

X deciding (not forgetting Mice not connected). 



Xmas balls: 

Gud e god - all in! / +pynta. 




E are the like 3 pre. To your event i just set it, numbers, maybe, or not. X is your chosenperson, the joint, who you spend your time then with.

Next situation: DM=Della Mici or NotDM. 

>>My brainer X< not Della mici 1NDM+DM**.

It's my brain you want to follow - >

>*""Don't fuck my brain!" 

"Fuck my brain!"< ~beautiful flash brainer of XXX. 2DM*. 

Brainer me XXX - >*Della mici<< (following; topic: brainer X). 

This too - **DM Della Mici.

Is it just when you shoot? Ask and thou shall receive? 

-seems not. 

What is me follows X flow (!! : all together,...)

From X star:

Not to be mixed with perustuslaki led brain point.

See the difference:

X flow not led (tackling perustuslaki obstacles) :

(me Christ with knowledge: perustuslaki segregation and my limited knowledge of "beyond X" - >

- me Christ and event X distinguishment? 

How I follow directly =👶*). 

-brain flow manipulation, the dance of these two(!) - obstacle fun with lessons to every direction. 

X - to paradise >baam< following Christmas. Event in time: and destination since beginning. 

X - me as a person - my brain flow. All towards >baam X<; experience and self management of me-X. 

X me Christ - Leverage? - X The Event

X mas

X you joined event

👶*- You have been shown how I am a fact of evolution but rebirth driven (in different ways towards where there can be such - in structure of importance). 

J-I; I am the child of creation. 


If we go closest enough the tree meets the star. It is the meeting point. 

Lil management as topping, as it is possible it is a different and cripple thing not to decorate. 

Della Mici and x design = both from X driven. 

First, watching Riku ja Tunna with boy. Then us joins RikuJaTunna, a boy with the face of both! So, how goes the role play? They want to know their roles.


Riku is Tiku or a Tiger.

Tunna is undulat ein bisschen schwarig.
So Riku&Tunna is akrobat und goes around yo repeating:
Everything But answer.
This time fair they promise - Riku&Tunna gets to decide.
He wants to go hide from
Same Time his facial ääää praise.
Riku is
Tunna is
Rt is:
2. Whatever is left

So - they all get to go as themselves
But they wonder when They get to Dance with The Elves
Sampo from so well chosen deeds
Sacks full of their gas, Santa offers blowjob for one correct
Maybe they had to change and did dirty work
I wonder If greed + good/badwill is a block for not being true self?
Pokka battle, you got to compete
Pride Will always battle with skills if u complete

We dont know
Code words: yes: yolo
But on the offside is short life on chains
I am stuck inside as i live twice
But none around me should Be forced
Paradise is another safeword IT is foolproof but we need to unite, whores <3.

Your roles my friends are good Guy + Times + memories;

You can cash in from learnt and memorizing. As long as you go your own direction like preached

then you on your way get further than anyone Else can.

Riku&Tunna - ?

Not my promises nor God father's. God gives you 10 times at least (priceless for society).

Stosjoe's & R&T's battle.

Team Joe vs RRTT:

Riku&Tunna lives in Fredom where we meet in freedom.

Done from brilliance.:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When we watch timeless together with event placement from event order perspective - > the arrow flips up to a triangle!!!!! 

Triangle arrow pop-up answers to question: Brilliance lies where?. =it is bornt and is the produce flow! 🎁. 

Us eventflow vs event: it becomes a event uniter: me Christ X (+you? X) united and planned with X. 



Perustuslaki: Chargong, fasade. 

Old world pre New Year-0:

An pre- and anti civilized way of approach - pre wealth but in a satisfyedly to-struggle-used reality. Values matter but are so scarce that they are gamed up and complexified into being twisted. Still you can find romance which all are glowingly seeking but like vaska guld - love does not much occur with a mindset where chains are admired. 

With the wisemen i had problems, as i thought i can fix them all with attributes some other has better.

Elfs and folks!:

Paradise will fix!!!!!!!!! So romantic is to have met from before for together-journey.


Creation (overcourse): Machine or manually? 🎁


All which is big often comes in two: 

1. For warm-up, and

2. Settling also ready. 

IQ went in two - dad, and then I, J-I. 

I have believed that I exist in every field and new ones, explained:

We can divide what is me in attributes, depending on the field we're watching. As X is me (my life I made myself butt perustuslaki) - me: X; which I accept and am thankful of; also - not underlining but which is rather mentionable: that which's position i have very much earned despite not having and wont ask for any kind of especial power because of it; as X is me: what are specific at least in my case? 

-Structure: All has to be the hardest way - all odds against me - even genes!!! I would get more credits as untalented. 

Of which at least part of is:

-National economics fullway activism and living. My blood is wine. 

-Lentäviä lauseita Matti Nykänen; such intelligence but showing it flyingly ghetto with preferring that way of meeting. 

-Of messiah complexors if they have a point: if they in their then righteous position have landed based on real. 

-if ladybugs were organized... 

I am the J 100 % and I have existed before 2000 years ago - but the 2000 - might - be a measurement of 2000 to other directions, too; directions not in the year-0-last year scale. Maybe better would be "Jesus like" - not saying they are me!! Or the scale has to be mentioned. 

Twice occurring pattern! Because:

-of what I call starters barrior: first time goes wrong somehow: because all is aligned 🎁 with flow without the new trial. Something will fail and must be discussed for place greetingful meeting of: the second time. 

-because of legend: not just written "by", but: "in" the stars; the reason to all our existence. So somehow: information has spread of the coming: year 0 with full national economics and full transparency; art and research; musical journeys old and future skool dancing; and poetry and enjoyment of our bodies made of much but water. 

Mindwow🎁: place these two - starters 2 and legend tale first - so you step out. So X the real event with me Christ, it flickered before but now goes "on". With Della Mice learnt from there - same explosion, (with good mind every obstacle has been hassled before except the beautiful questions of forever lasting structure); big bang measures counted from "on" and we have it all. 

Dad in this:
Goes in the same. 


Preconditions and must attributes: for me

1. as a child = 2. by X:

1. I'm built for time; it's amusements and production possibilities. Perslaki-corona people? IQ usage as a gift or because of segregation? 

2. I'm perfect for my task and it has given me the task probably. 

I was probably a normal child but got turned against both systematically and by outside - which made me emphasized to yin strengths and attributes and knowledge when segregation chose yang role. 

All through in my inbornt:

No to authorities. National economics. Always happy - helped me survive!!!

My problems with my religious family:

Seesteisyys. Jesus against church (must & clear, not that it must be there but: structure). 

Freedom is most seesteinen - back to from the core self management. #GODMANAGEMENT

=> if you have it all you will structure your own mix of substances. We are not dogs and if it is pre 0 in human nature it is because it is not a natural system. 

Free world! 


They wanted me dead but that would be mass suicidal,

This time its bigger with Internet and Perustuslakicorona for alive gettingheardal.

One wish: (only): it has always to be life!!!! 

With life you can fix anything //&:&!:&: pranking navel n kite.

I am: 

Impossible VS always right?

=always right. I'm born with a national economic mindset. Impossible? My behaviour should be aligned with expectations of a world aligned with my will. I want logical. I dream sense. I am very much cooperative, though; I don't choose every battle and I accept as long as my line does not get twisted: or I would feel like in the torture chair; also which I accept as I will fix it away and they will praise me for it. I don't ask for much - just brain freedom of substances and being able to walk on the street. 

My favorite Einstein: match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but reaching that reality. I was right and still am: so it is not tyranny - I never wanted that- but good logics and peace; all together! As a kid:

1. I drew that one fight for years. 

2. My battle has been done global - despite my choice - but righteousness brings umdwrstanding,!: I know I will save. But I don't push mine over others like seesteisyys and churchly barsk-men-glad was pushed on me in our family.

There's nothing I cannot explain or then I know why. Yes - perustuslaki things. But them I also know why. 

I am clear and based on source validation setting of knowledge Asperger style - understanding from uppbyggnad. 

I am now complete. 

Child; how seen? 

-I have probably not taken surrounding focus level for granted. 



Can be seen as extensions. If you can have it.... 

I SEX HAVE 6 PENISPUSSY; 6, 6! XD! (Tourettes and stamning).

This is my brain. Lets take a journey to Openi[t/s]up Lane:


But its not only in my kassi, pussi..

EAT: dis-order. Then: think Pink Floyd n Nobel n jodel, trust those who drink n fuck fairies as schpongel. Hitler was in order.

You now have bulimia!

EAT: Gen-i-us.

I will spread, I do the fucking, you +.

Wanna kill all DIS?

Order ya pudel n schrink ya jubel to dis-exist.

What are those Hitler anti disorder whats?

Not touched of disorders - youre a Saab.
It takes you to B but you dont wish any greater.
Bad music say those who cant dance.
You are not inspired by disorders either gals.
You can do live concerts its a test ya.
You should wish ya momma had changed ha jk butt but youd swot even dyslexia.

Dyslexia comes with eyes wide apart and flang.

But im just extreme here all are awesome thats the thang!!!!!

You can always fuk us.

We are the same butt mine gets the Rufus. ;).

It is the + of intelligence, did you dis-win lotterin'? (Mass just justification!).

I got so many they took me threat, but it aided me get it for teaching. (&Every nation!).

We are the same but on the old world you lose.

Dream of bank jobs n really think disorders you goose.

Solution: my friends, stop dilution: anti-trends. 

Respect our diversity and i aid ya presence.

Present is not linear ya focus level should be vaalittu.

Name one thing about disorders thats a problem if we are + into?


It is understanding,

Without bravery its demanding.

It is precisement and understanding from the core!

A bit later but better lore.

i didn't learn from imitating so i had no clue what to do!


Schizo is abstraction.

You can flip around any fraction.

With logics you dont get losting.

But any form on togetherform is ya own Pink Floyd with frosting.

Togetherform can be of bore:dom.

+/-?= !: ...:!!:!: +. With funny con:

People they might doom ya gather struggles - your challenges or pains.

If you care then you might slit ya veins.


They go together like this:


ADD is same butt worse:

Follow my inner life if you want flucture och du törs.

If you dare to go questioning like Hanken butt feelings.


Dad got from mom a adhd shirt, he wore it.... He thought it was from me XD. 

People wait n wait for upbringing dinero but my mind is of local: for me it is Xmas tree.

On my mind: is: seeeeex n i score ya niece n buddies - Cheek.

Check my mingle powerzz n you see rippies: of mental n external doing dirties - u me peek:

N find my pockets full of dia despues:

N a rocket dull from cocaine on its chest.

My mind is full of the pussy of mine.

I am a one person, reason: maximise gallon.

But now i have se(e)d thirst.

Like ADHD released no mind adderall focused: my lips are wet like labia from spitting dirtily the chorused:

Get my vaginas Chappelle n you get me fire held. Like with geld i mean with mine ha i am maxsmaragdus to hoe to Lagerfeld.

So my mind: it: is big. Between fucks n running actual.

Word plays assie god style and knowledge usage masteural.

If there is a good spot i go improvising with singing.

In my interactions i am soul and use my full tone n body for mining.

Butt ADD is all through what is me: ive said nervousness is consciousness.

Not negatively but the pirr to be alive, if i dont calm my stimulus need i do so with food= häst.

Horse I am n mine is bigger than cancan ;)*.

*: Some dance inwards yo man think about that and my twang thang ;). Digest.

I see ADD as stimuli need, the gift of capacity.

You fill that need with chosen n afoid life decidal free: going sirenelessly.

Sirenes are ya shine you have moved loudness there.

Your shine and mental work combined say squirrells you know already where.

Without: not easy. They say squirrells you stare hazy.

You are stuck seeming lazy mixing will beverages with dairy; that was pre - now you watch squirrells between.

A big one of tequila ends that strukturera: illa (bad structuring) and focus level goes planet n ya socially get laid with own interprets of trash-Hamlet.


All have a problem with my flambourent joy.

It gets mixed with fakeness if neggoes try to grasp this with boy (zzzz?).

If ya sleep ya dont dig on deep like i do with my lovely sheep.

Small step for a species i do those with rabies: take my balls as a flamboyent keeper leap.

The JOY that i do with..... I cant say "hello".
Without it gets mistaken with the mistake of Gringo.
Here is a "hello" i got on tape,
Which got critique of wrongness, it had a documented (OmaKanta) rape.

Hello Song Banned.

The mania of anti McDonalds; viherpiipärtäjänormi and anti: use stalls...

Lets pop em more and eat meat instead of bulgur and lettuce-feast.

Youre a bulk can of shitter if you dont eat concist.

Shit to live, live to shit.

Shit to live as your drug is RisiFrutti & legumbe tutti and your life is piss without it.

We skip ya know Africa place em fishies into the Marianergrav or anyhow or -some: More Savannah can become, i think we divide all unused places to pieces: and who there has best water n druidebait plan we go local and they can be Kings of their pit let. So animals: more digested! We investigate Happy Cow Dishard n givem happywater - gotta be tested. We also investigate their free fucking behaviour, theyre for our usage as long as we treat them well and I-or, open policy means videos backstage, extending lives and we want happy McDonk not rage: 

Capitalism: we choose. Not full transparency: not cool moose.


It is just intelligence!!!

Psycho is:

-manipulation, &

-no empathy.

All have empathy!!!!!!! You just need to prioritize. Manipulation is steering - i noticed at an early age that i can sell with voice only (without using looks): steering: or - choosing side, letting the client get a new need. Intelligence. AND: If you have understanding of steering then it stays on your awareness unless you go simple like me.

Intelligence: its how you use it, on the old world it gets easily used for bad. But you will always get caught of your strategy and once the world gets better information channels and logarithms leave its traces: your life strategy will come out despite eventual and possible privacy.

Empathy - and of it which fascinates me = sonder! Which is, once again; awareness of that others have a mental ride themselves as vivid ass your own, on the bus stop you just pass in in their lives...

When that sphere has been opened you have no problems imagining that - why did it whoa me when it to me got introduced? Am i that Asperger, it didn't cross my mind? (It was never an issue. I am not retarded, maybe i actually just take it to extremes. Big concerts as condensed lifesource! You were not invited - it turns me on. And i have to point out, that the definition says "as" vivid xD ask perustuslaki. And this is me inactive.

What If psychopathy was called something else: would it be as sexy??? What would it be? my first trialsuggestion was "kuvani", ouch xD! But psycho means mind! So it is intimate.....

Your difference from me I have described and it is just my intelligence - how it 


has formed with:

Focus level: value-held deciding:

-Doing by self. 

No imitation as a making style. 

-> I'm a producer. 

My brain is for forever funny production with a running mind of research. 

"Skrek i familjens vardagsrum!":

-> Perustuslaki; Murder Plot; another solution would have been:

10 seconds (short vs long); ONCE: of fight middle stop to give space for honorable exit. 

But they never gave me 10 seconds XD. 

Perustuslaki is from creation perspective a necessary must block from a world not just allowing but built upon and praising blocks - (psychopaths exist and are feared only in a world containing restrictions!). 

There was a theory that we all in the belly do a plan; play a game: of who wins the planet for imagined or - not secondary but eternally - : loosing to eternal life enjoyment and meaning. 

This is greater. Here me in the structure of goal length; national economical suredom of winning. Then we can eternally research and create. 


Paradise. VIDEO. Read its politics here. Beautiful warm and local (global).

Full capitalism - how it includes elf and eldercare:

This full economy bang with a free work market will bring more circulation and a massive growth. The elfs work drunk as should you too, all will. And this will pay all working for it x10 or leveraged.

Work will happen when you want to, and the learning system will help your professional growth mix. More short term does not mean lack in schooling: this is during your full career, you just spread your interests and work. 


Always keep open and try opposite poles. 

Reverse psychology mindset - swap and create interesting: judge=explain pole of landing/decision or both; how land? Not obvious/choose logical:


Connected with the IQ released way of striking with fresh:


All with logics - stir it up then explain ❤️. 

I can teach an abstract mind. 



But you can fix it. Explain. If you go deep enough it is good.

If you were wrong? That wrongness needs to come up to get fixed.

What if you use this for being bad? Old world you will not yet get caught of your strategy so it is just stupidity, as:

What If you go crazy on the Old World as you still can? In the New World you can improve but facts of history cannot be changed or erased. Present weighs most, though.

What you mostly see as sins are behaviour from neglecting your impulses, you live in a cage, so you will misbehave. With drugs instead of bulimia, or worse: water: 
you can sandwich, 
and sex is with wanted bitch n fate: rrrr.

I will forgive you haters and mockers,
if you improve: watertowine, soon ya bangers and rockers!
I forgive you because my life is better.
You can find me above your hate disgracer.
And nature will give you back what you deserve so i eazen,
Your strategies will show for now, then and soon so darls, stop being freezen.

We talk. If we dont I won't forgive you.
This is to all you models party people and the Hanken.
Lets continue from before you dragged out loo or i fame fry you like a pan hen.


Production; quantity over quality; then you get to play with bigger lines of quantity quality.

God management.

Got Corona one of my list's niggapussy, so i went wild and i smiled and i intended&did pushy.

Ya J-I. <3!


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